About Keokee
Thanks for checking out our blog! We intend it to be a little window into our company’s work and happenings, for our clients and anyone else (why hello, competitors!). We’ll also share resources and marketing tips and industry news we judge of interest.
Keokee is a media and marketing company in Sandpoint, Idaho. Founded in 1990, we publish proprietary books and magazines and websites, plus offer our services for hire. About half our work is providing services to clients who need custom publishing, website development and hosting, graphic design, social and search marketing and just about any kind of graphic design and creative services.
Find out who runs the blog (and company), meet Our Bloggers »
If you haven’t already, see more about our company and examples of our work at Keokee.com»
We’re happy to answer questions and have conversations here on the blog, but to direct-message us or inquire about our services go to our Contact Page »