Here’s a bit of interesting lore (for the Internet-minded): a copy of one of the very first web pages, used as a demo at a computing conference in 1991 about a year after the initial introduction of hypertext markup language - in other words, the invention of the World Wide Web. You can see it here:
The very first web page ever made has not been found, though NPR put out a call for people to check their hard drives for it. So it may show up.
This brings to mind our own first efforts on the Web. We started our website in December 1995, with some pages we called “Sandpoint Online” as an adjunct to Sandpoint Magazine. Alas, like the guys who invented it all, we don’t have a copy of our very first Sandpoint Online with its large (but stylish, of course) yellow buttons, unless it is stuffed on some old hard drive still hanging around our offices. But here is the second version we came up with, in late 1996 or 1997. Click on it for a closer look. These days of course is a tad heftier with thousands of pages, photos, interactive features like the Classified Ads, our real-time raptor web cams and more. But we still pursue the basic idea: to make a cyber community for our fave town.
By the way: is our town’s most heavily visited website. If you have a local business that is not represented, you are missing one of your most cost-effective marketing resources (at any price; basic listings in the business directories are free). Get more information»